
Experimental lighting styles in the photography studio, with Hayley Awhina Deanna.


Blending Latin-American dance with long-exposure and experimental gel lighting, in the photography studio.

Matt & Claudia’s Wedding.

Rainbows, roses and reverie. Matt & Claudia chose me to be their photographer to capture their most precious moment. We visited their favourite locations, reminiscing and reliving when & where they met, underpinned by the beauty of the backdrops. As their photographer, my aim was to encourage them to be themselves and let their personalities shine through.

This project, featuring the model Zaniah, is set amongst vivid street art across Te Aro, Wellington. One Foot in Wonderland looks to blend contemporary dance with the backdrop of The Opera House and colourful thematic art. The shoot takes inspiration from Haruki Murakami and plays on the contrast of light and shadows, focusing the theme around presence and absence; the model is split between two worlds, one light one dark. They dance as though the way to break the barrier between the realities and restore one’s self.

One Foot in Wonderland.

Ōwhiro Bay.

This project is set amongst the rugged, unyielding yet beautiful beach in Owhiro Bay, featuring the model Scout.
The main theme is isolation, portrayed through the powerful, unrelenting gust cast under the scarf, coupled with the positioning of the model amongst an underexposed, rough landscape; this is juxtaposed by the piercing light above the hills, shining onto the subject, portraying hope and redemption.

The inspiration and theme within this project is about embracing gender fluidity and hidden disability, binding one’s self to nature. Model Indigo utilises their wheelchair, expressing their connection to the environment around them whilst incorporating who they are, being proud and rising emotionally. They silhouette trees and plants around them, that root in their identity, unafraid and strong.



This project involved Leo, who is well-known for running a Swing Dance studio, and also performs comedy and drag. It was important to incorporate their love for glam punk and comedy, which was shot the dance studio. Leo has since successfully used the shoot for their promo material.


This project featuring Scout implores to combine vivid colour with exploratory framing of the cityscape that shapes the environment around them; by utilising bokeh to soften the leading lines around them, attention is immediately drawn to the model, creating a striking scene like a leopard in the city.


This vibrant yet darkly themed shoot featuring Bailie looks to incorporate a grunge, punk theme. Leading lines clash with one another, interconnecting with the model whilst the vivid colours highly contrast the underlying darkness portrayed in their dress and shadows.

